Carers Week 2022 at UHDB | Latest news

Carers Week 2022 at UHDB

Carers Week 2022 - UHDB

Carers Week runs from Monday 6 June to Friday 10 June at UHDB, and we are excited to share what the Carers Network are doing throughout the week to celebrate, raise awareness and promote their Network.

This includes a ‘roadshow’ where they will visit different sites throughout the week where you can meet members of the Network and ask them any questions you may have or the Carers Passport, Derbyshire Carers Associate or how to join the Staff Network. We are also proud to be signing the Carers Pledge later in the week.

Monday 6 June - Samuel Johnson Community Hospital, main entrance - 10.00am - 3.00pm

Tuesday 7 June - Florence Nightingale Community Hospital, main entrance - 10.00am - 3.00pm

Wednesday 8 June - Queen’s Hospital Burton, main atrium - 10.00am - 3.00pm

Thursday 9 June - Royal Derby Hospital, Level 5 Restaurant - 10.00am - 4.00pm

If you are interesting in becoming part of the Network or simply being kept up-to-date on their activities, you can read more on the Carers Network Net-i page >

The Trust is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of our carers. If you are a carer and you’d like to learn more on how we can support you, or find our more about the Carer’s Passport see Net-i >   

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