Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 | Latest news

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Thursday 11 February 2021 marks International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and here at UHDB, we are celebrating by showcasing some of the amazing work that members of #TeamUHDB are conducting in their fields of science and research.

The international event aims to raise the profile and awareness of the roles women can and do play in science around the world. UNESCO estimates that around globally, less than 30 per cent of researchers are women and only around 30 per cent of all female students select Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) related fields in higher education.

As a university Trust, we believe research is key to the exceptional care provided at UHDB, and our aim is to offer every patient the opportunity to take part in research; in developing new medicines, devices and treatments.

Throughout the pandemic, UHDB has been at the fore of delivering national clinical trials for the treatment of Covid-19 and is taking part in a number of national studies to further our understanding of the virus. Included in these trials and studies are the REMAP-CAP trial, an adaptive trial where patients are randomised to receive one of a range of different treatments to see which has the most positive impact; the SIREN study analysing the effect of Covid-19 antibodies on staff immunity and the RECOVERY trial, which discovered the use of Dexamethasone as an effective drug for treating patients with the virus.

Find out more about the research regarding Covid-19 taking place at UHDB >

Across the organisation, women are also playing key roles in other fields of science, such as in our laboratories and pharmacies.

Alison Cropper, Consultant Biomedical Scientist at UHDB, said: “There are so many different aspects to careers in science, especially healthcare science, so don’t feel like you need to get channelled into one area.

“For young girls looking at making a difference, careers in pathology are a real area for you to look at.”

Professor Fran Game, Clinical Director for Research and Development and Consultant Diabetologist at UHDH, said: “The work of our research and development teams across the Trust is so important to further develop the care and treatment that we can offer to our patients – not just during the pandemic, but at all times.

“It is fantastic to see UHDB contributing to the global effort to eradicate Covid-19, and there are so many women who are at the leading edge of this research.

“As a woman working in this sector, I am proud that I’ve created a lot of the evidence that underpins what we do in every day life and the knowledge that this make a difference for patients in my area of specialty and I’m proud that I can support others in this area, too.”

As part of the celebrations of the incredible work that women contribute to the world of science and research, take a look back at the conversations we had with members of #TeamUHDB about their careers and why they’re proud to be women working in science:


In 2020, we also spoke to women in key roles in our research team at UHDB (Please note: videos shot prior to the introduction of social distancing guidelines): 

UHDB is a research active Trust.

Find out more about the Research and Development department >

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