Changes to visiting times for our maternity services during Coronavirus | Latest news

Changes to visiting times for our maternity services during Coronavirus

Midwife and baby

We are really pleased to welcome birth partners back into the maternity wards and offer some visiting time from Tuesday 7 July 2020, but please read the details below carefully.

Whilst national measures are being relaxed, hospitals need to keep restrictions in place to prevent further spread of Coronavirus. We ask that you respect the guidance we have put in place to ensure everyone’s safety.

Your birth partner is the only person who can visit. Please ask your birth partner to ring the ward after 9 am to check your bed number before they visit:

  • Royal Derby Hospital | Ward 314 | 01332 785620
  • Queen's Hospital Burton | Ward 11 | 01283 566333 extension 4071/3054

Your birth partner will be given a wristband on arrival to the ward and must wear this during their designated visiting time on the postnatal ward area.

We are sorry but no children are allowed to come into the maternity unit and no birth partners will be able to stay overnight.

For your birth partner to visit he/she must:

  • Have no symptoms at all of Coronavirus
  • Wear a mask or face covering at all times
  • Use hand sanitiser before coming into the ward and when leaving
  • Only visit at the designated time – see below
  • Wear the wristband provided
  • Not leave the ward for the toilet or to smoke
  • Stay by the bedside at all times and not walk around the ward.
  • Ring the call bell if he/she needs anything
  • Leave when asked to by the staff

To enable social distancing on the ward and in the corridor areas, designated visiting times are:

postnatal visiting
Royal Derby Hospital Maternity ward (314) and Queen's Hospital Burton Ward (11) - Postnatal visiting only
Ward area Time
Visiting women in odd bed numbers in bays e.g. Bay A bed 1 2 - 3pm
Visiting women in even bed numbers in bays e.g. Bay A bed 2 5 - 6pm
Visiting women in side rooms 3:30 - 4:30pm

We trust that you understand the reason for these measures and we appreciate your support so that birth partners can have some time with mum and baby.

For more information on changes to our maternity services during coronavirus, see Maternity Services during Coronavirus >

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