Executive Chief Medical Officer appointment

Dr Gisela Robinson has been appointed as permanent Executive Chief Medical Officer at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust (UHDB).
Gis, who is a Paediatric Emergency Consultant by background, was appointed after a competitive recruitment process in March and has taken up the role with immediate effect.
Having joined the Trust in 2009 just after a new paediatric emergency department opened at Royal Derby Hospital, Gis is well known across UHDB for her clinical roles and her work as Deputy Medical Director, before most recently taking up the role of Interim Executive Medical Director in September.
On her appointment, Gis said: "I am really proud to be taking up this role in an organisation that I care so much about.
"Our people want to deliver the best care possible, and I look forward to continuing to work with them for the benefit of our patients."
Chief Executive Stephen Posey added: "We are really pleased to welcome Gis permanently in this role.
"The clinical knowledge and experience that Gis brings alongside her professional leadership is of great benefit to patients and staff alike, and as a Trust we look forward to her continued leadership and support."
The Executive Chief Medical Officer title replaces that formerly known as Executive Medical Director.