Chief Nurse appointed | Latest news

Chief Nurse appointed

Garry Marsh, UHDB's Interim Executive Chief Nurse

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton have appointed Garry Marsh as Executive Chief Nurse.

Garry joined the Trust in May 2022 as Interim Chief Nurse and over the last few months has already shown his passion for delivering exceptional care.

His nursing career spans 25 years which includes his most recent role as Chief Nurse at The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham and before then, as Deputy Chief Nurse at United Lincolnshire Hospitals. 

Dr Magnus Harrison, Interim Chief Executive said: “Garry’s passion for delivering exceptional care to our patients has shone through and we’ve already benefited from his extensive nursing and operational experience. I know he will lead the development of our AHP, nursing and midwifery teams with skill and compassion and will be a valuable addition to the Executive team.”

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