Compassionate Ward 7 trio's 'beautiful' gesture brightens up patient Mary's birthday | Latest news

Compassionate Ward 7 trio's 'beautiful' gesture brightens up patient Mary's birthday

picture of Mary Crooks

A Queen’s Hospital Burton team’s small act of kindness has helped provide “a little bit of joy” to one of their patients – right when she needed it most.

Colleagues on Ward 7 showcased their compassion by pulling out all the stops to ensure patient Mary Crooks had reasons to be cheerful on her birthday yesterday (28 July).

Mary sadly received some awful news earlier this week but, after discovering the following day that it was their patient’s 73rd birthday, Ward 7’s Joe Hallam, Lottie Morris and Lisa Hawkins all immediately set out to try and put a smile back on her face.

The trio managed to arrange for an entire birthday cake to be delivered from Costa to the ward to surprise Mary, who admitted that she had been left incredibly touched by the lovely gesture.

She said: “After you receive a shock like I did on Monday, this is not just a ‘nice’ act, it is a beautiful one. It is nice to show that there is a little bit of joy in the world and I cannot honestly thank the staff on the ward enough for looking after me and for what they have done to make my birthday special.”

Alice Bloxham, Ward 7 Sister, added: “I was incredibly impressed with the way the team chose to honour such a special event for Mary. I am very proud of the entire ward team, for the way they care for patients holistically and always make a great effort to remember such events, particularly during such a difficult time with visiting restrictions and other pressures on our patients.”

*Lisa Hawkins, healthcare support worker, Joe Hallam, nursing associate, and Lottie Morris, ward clerk, with Mary Crooks*

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