Covid-19 fighter David treated to emotional farewell by delighted QHB colleagues after long spell in ITU | Latest news

Covid-19 fighter David treated to emotional farewell by delighted QHB colleagues after long spell in ITU

Happy tears were shed yesterday as a Queen’s Hospital Burton patient was finally able to leave Intensive Care after more than 10 weeks on the unit fighting for his life against Covid-19.

David Turley was able to sit up in his bed and take in the adoration of delighted UHDB colleagues as he was wheeled out to a standing ovation – 72 days on from being moved to ITU for treatment.

The 58-year-old was first admitted to hospital on 26 March, before being transferred to Intensive Care four days later, with staff working around the clock to keep him alive.

David said: “A lot of difficult issues have had to be tackled to get me to where I am today and I’m delighted to be able to now put them behind me. I’d like to thank all of the amazing staff in ITU for their perseverance and courage.

“Everyone has played their part. It’s not been an easy journey but they’ve all stuck with me and I can never thank them enough.”  

Covid fighter David treated to emotional ITU farewell by delighted QHB staff from UHDB Communications on Vimeo.

Jubilant staff lined the corridors to applaud David every step of the way as he made the short journey to Ward 16, where he is now continuing his rehabilitation.

And David admitted that it meant a lot to him to be able to share the moment with all those who had played a part in his recovery.

He said: “It felt amazing and to be able to share that moment and achievement of me getting better was wonderful. The team have provided so much support to my family too, which has meant a lot to me.

“Being in ITU for so long has been a life changing experience and I’ve developed so many bonds and friendships with the team. They’ve all shown a sheer commitment to getting me better and fantastic professionalism and I’m now looking forward to taking the next step in my recovery.”  

David, who lives in Hoar Cross, was first transferred to Intensive Care on 30 March, with ITU sister Vandana Robin admitting that witnessing his recovery after such a long battle with Covid-19 was “overwhelming” for the whole team.

She said: “It was such an emotional experience to see him leave ITU; many people were crying when he was leaving! It’s been a real team effort and we’re all so happy. There have been times where we’ve been treating lots of Covid patients, whilst in full PPE, and it’s been hard but to see patients like David get better makes all of that worthwhile.    

“David was very poorly when he came to us and has had to overcome different complications but he’s managed to pull through and it’s so overwhelming for us all to see where he is today. Leaving ITU is one step closer to him going home, so we all feel fantastic and so proud.”

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