Covid-19, one year on: Nick Southorn | Latest news

Covid-19, one year on: Nick Southorn

Nick Southorn

To mark the one year anniversary of the pandemic, members of Team UHDB are sharing their thoughts and reflections of their personal and work lives during Covid-19.

The pandemic will have had a very different impact on each and every one of us, so the one year anniversary since we started to see the first inpatients admitted is a good opportunity to reflect on the year gone and to look forward.

Today, Nick Southorn, Advanced Clinical Practitioner, from our Hospital out of Hours team at RDH, has shared a powerful poem about the loss of a patient during the pandemic, which you can read below: 

A body again, it’s cooling fast, 
A soul without pain, free at last, 
Are the family amassed, are they in the frame?
Has she a past? Has she a name?

While I condole, my breath is bated, 
The windows to the soul, fixed and dilated,
Death is life in contrast, no light, no aim,
Has she a past? Has she a name?

A heart that loved, ached and lusted,
Arms that hugged, a mind that trusted,
They’ve done their last, not to their shame,
Has she a past? Has she a name?

Life is extinct, she can depart,
Our lives now linked, at least in part, 
I now have asked, the answer came, 
She has a past. She has a name.  

If you're part of #TeamUHDB and would like to take part in our One Year On campaign, you can post to social media using the #oneyearonUHDB hashtag, or send your photos, videos, poems, songs, reflections or ideas to

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