Dan Walton - What PRIDE means to me | Latest news

Dan Walton - What PRIDE means to me

Dan Walton pictured at Pride

Happy Pride Month! Every year in June, people around the world celebrate diversity, inclusion, and the LGBTQ+ community. Just as we are all unique individuals, “Pride” can mean something different from person to person. 

We've been speaking to our colleagues at Team UHDB about Pride and have heard some truly moving stories that have inspired us to continue creating a welcoming, inclusive community.

Dan Walton, Trainee Nursing Associate, in Accident and Emergency at Royal Derby Hospital spoke to us about what Pride means to him.

He said: "Pride month is a time when the LGBTQ+ community can come together celebrate and be seen.

"IDan and colleaguests more than the street party and the parade. Its when people in the community can see that love and celebration knows no gender, colour or boundaries. Its a time when I remember the people that fought for my rights and the rights of so many others around the world and at home. Without Pride where would our community be?

"I have attended prides all over the world and each time I am at Pride, I feel unashamed and proud to be part of the LGBTQ+ community. We have come so far in this country over the last 53 years and that should be celebrated.

"Seeing the rainbow flag flying over RDH and seeing so many staff with the NHS Rainbow badge just shows how far as a workforce the NHS has come and the journey our trust is making in the rights of people like me."

As a Trust we are looking in to as many ways as possible to celebrate PRIDE Month virtually.

We are asking staff to send in their pics and share with us what PRIDE means to them. If you would like to share your thoughts or story, email catherine.mellor3@nhs.net or call 01332 7(85778).

team uhdb pride

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