D-BARN offering support to aspiring clinicians interested in research | Latest news

D-BARN offering support to aspiring clinicians interested in research

ben for research programme

Are you an AHP, HCS, nurse, midwife or ACP with a desire to dip your toe in the world of research; or develop your research ideas further into fully fundable projects; even develop your ideas into a fully funded PhD programme?

Later this year, the Universities of Lincoln and Nottingham will launch their 2022 Health Education England/National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Scholars Programmes. These programmes are part of the HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Training Programme for non-medical healthcare professionals.

They are designed for clinicians with either no prior experience of research or academia, or clinicians with some experience wishing to develop further. Further details can be found below. 

With an application deadline likely June 2022, UHDB’s non-medical research network D-BARN is offering a bespoke mentoring and coaching programme to help you develop your idea into a high-quality application for one of the schemes.

D-BARN a collection of UHDB clinicians interested in research, with experience and a successful track record of obtaining local and national funding.

Three applicants out of four were successfully awarded a place on last years programme. 

If you’re interested please contact Dr Benjamin Smith, Clinical Research Physiotherapist and Chair of D-BARN: benjamin.smith3@nhs.net.

Find out more about D-BARN  >

Internship (formerly Bronze Award):

Typically suitable for registered professionals without postgraduate qualifications or formal training in research. This award supports clinicians to go on to apply for a research Master’s programme or NIHR Pre-Doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowship (PCAF).

  • Successful applicants to the HEE/NIHR Internship Programme will have:
  • The Clinical Scholar’s ability to compete successfully for the next stage of the Clinical Academic Pathway, such as the Masters in Research (MRes) or NIHR PCAF award
  • A structured educational programme
  • 48 days duration; start date Mid November 2020. Besides a small number of mandatory education days and Action Learning Sets, these days can be taken flexibly over the course of 9 months in agreement with the Clinical Scholar’s organisation and academic mentor
  • Participation in facilitated Action Learning Sets


Pre-Doctoral Bridging Programme (formerly Silver Award):

Have you completed a Masters or equivalent postgraduate qualification and are looking to further develop a clinical academic career?

Successful applicants to the HEE Pre-Doctoral Bridging Programme will have:

  • Protected funded time (48 days over 11 months) to develop a PhD proposal and develop clinical academic networks necessary to supporting a clinical academic career.
  • An individualised training and development plan based on identified needs.
  • A HEE approved research Mentor to support proposal development, facilitate high quality learning opportunities and access to research professionals.
  • An identified clinical mentor in the chosen topic area to lend profession specific expertise.
  • Participation in facilitated Action Learning Sets

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