Derbyshire High Sheriff's Legal Service on Sunday | Latest news

Derbyshire High Sheriff's Legal Service on Sunday

Derbyshire High Sheriff

You’re all invited to join the traditional Derbyshire High Sheriff’s Legal Service this weekend, which will look a little bit different this year because of the pandemic.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the event will not be able to take place in Derby Cathedral as normal but will instead be held virtually and be streamed online for the wider public to watch at their pleasure.

The service will be scheduled as a ‘Live Premiere’ video on Derby Cathedral’s YouTube page on Sunday 31 January, from 2.30pm. You will be able to view the event in full at the link below:

Dr Kathy McLean, UHDB Chair, will be among those who will provide contributions during the virtual service, which will also contain readings from other members of our public services.   

In these unprecedented times, the service will not only give thanks for our freedom under the law, the Queen’s peace, and our national heritage, as it does each year, but also show our respect, recognition and thanks for the work of the police, judiciary, health service workers, care workers and others who have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic. 

The service will be led by The Very Revd Dr Peter Robinson, Dean of Derby, while the preacher will be The Revd Tim Morris, Superintendent Minister, Ashbourne Methodist Circuit and Chaplain to the High Sheriff. 

The music during the service will be sung by the Lay Clerks of Derby Cathedral Choir, conducted by Alexander Binns, Director of Music.

You can download the final order of service below:

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