Double celebration for 80 year old Coronavirus survivor | Latest news

Double celebration for 80 year old Coronavirus survivor

patient pictured with hospital staff

A patient who was diagnosed with Coronavirus has been given the greatest gift of all as he walks out of hospital Coronavirus free on the day of his 80th birthday.

James Graham, 80 years old today, was first admitted to the Royal Derby Hospital with Coronavirus symptoms on 31 March. The 80 year old COVID Survivor has been cared for by the team on Ward 409 for just over a week.

Hannah Keach, Sister on Ward 409 said, “He cannot wait to get home and what a better day to go home than on his 80th Birthday!

“We are all so happy to see him go home! We all need a bit of positivity at the moment, and what a fantastic end to his hospital stay.”

When asked about his care, Mr Graham said, “It has been fantastic. Thank you so much for all of your care and support – you have all been very good.”

team with james

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