Dr Deb urges UHDB staff invited for a vaccine to get booked in ASAP | Latest news

Dr Deb urges UHDB staff invited for a vaccine to get booked in ASAP

UHDB Staff member getting the covid vaccine

Consultant Histopathologist Dr Rahul Deb is encouraging UHDB staff who haven’t had the Covid-19 vaccine to do so as soon as possible, especially colleagues from a British, Asian or Ethnic minority (BAME) heritage. At present more than 77% of BAME staff have had the vaccine, but this is still below the overall figure of 89%.

Dr Deb said: “I’ve had my Covid-19 vaccine and would urge anyone invited for a jab to consider it as well, especially if you belong to Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds. This is important because we know individuals from a BAME background do much worse compared with others if they get the infection and sadly we also know that uptake for vaccination within the BAME community is lower than national average.

“I took the vaccine because currently the vaccine is the best way to protect me and my family. The vaccine is also the quickest way for us to get back to normal which at a personal level would mean that I am able to visit my 79-year-old mum who lives in India and I haven’t met for nearly two years.

“Normal also means that as a family, we may be able to do all the things we love, like meeting friends and family. Lastly, in a normal world, our son can attend school as normal and engage in sport, both of which are so dear to him and to us. I am sure you may also have similar circumstances so please consider having the vaccine”

Anyone who hasn’t had their jab yet, or has changed their mind about the vaccine, will still be able to have the vaccine at Derby Arena now for first vaccine. To do so please visit Net-i.

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