Dr Kathy McLean shares her experiences with our LGBTQIA+ Network | Latest news

Dr Kathy McLean shares her experiences with our LGBTQIA+ Network

Dr Kathy McLean speaks to our LGBTQIA+ Network

UHDB Chair, Dr Kathy McLean, has spoken to our LGBTQIA+ Network and shared experiences from both her personal and professional life of being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community working in the NHS. 

Dr McLean was joined by James Wild, Medical Staffing Administrator, Dan Walton-Ashmore, Trainee Nurse Associate in A&E, and Chris Williams, Pathology Logistics Team Leader and covered a wide range of topics during their conversation, including how views and behaviours towards the LGBTQIA+ community in the NHS have changed over time.

Dr McLean said: "I've started in the NHS in 1983 and I think it has changed. My advice would be try and make contact if there is a network and meet other people in that network. Try and find other people to link with, but do your best to be yourself because you need to bring your whole self to work.

"I think we can do that now though I don't think it's 100 per cent easy but it's easier now than it was in the 1980s, that's for sure."

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