Elita bravely shares her experience of racial abuse | Latest news

Elita bravely shares her experience of racial abuse

Elita, Nurse at RDH, speaks out about racism

As part of our No Place For Racism campaign, colleagues across UHDB have come forward to share their experiences of abuse received whilst providing care to patients.

Elita, a Registered Nurse, has bravely shared her experiences of working as a nurse over the past 23 years.

Cathy Winfield, who gives her full support to Elita, said; "We are going to do whatever we can to face this head on, to help educate and support our staff and local communities, to understand that racism just won't be accepted or tolerated here."



It is appalling that Elita, and other colleagues, have experienced racial abuse at work and we will continue our work to eradicate this behaviour, to make real change within our hospitals and communities.

If you have experienced racism as a member of UHDB staff and want to tell your story please contact uhdb.communications@nhs.net.

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