Endoscopy team presented with CEO Award for continuing to provide superb care through Covid | Latest news

Endoscopy team presented with CEO Award for continuing to provide superb care through Covid

Endoscopy award

The Endoscopy team at Royal Derby Hospital have been honoured with the Trust’s CEO Award for not letting the pandemic hinder them from continuing to provide an outstanding service.

Despite the challenges brought on by Covid-19, the Derby team have never let their standards drop and recently had their JAG accreditation renewed, alongside UHDB’s two other units at Queen’s Hospital Burton and Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital. 

Joint Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy (JAG) accreditation is only awarded to the top performing endoscopy units in the country and provides confirmation that the highest standards of patient care are being adhered to.

The RDH Endoscopy team see around 80 patients a day, including cancer patients, and have done an amazing job ensuring that we’ve maintained this valuable service for these patients throughout the pandemic – something that was this week recognised with our CEO Award.

Sarah Jordan, Operational Coordinator in Endoscopy, said: “It’s so nice to get this recognition, as Endoscopy can sometimes get overlooked. We’ve all worked as hard as we could to get the service back up and running and we all love what we do. To get JAG accreditation for the service as well, amongst all the chaos, is something that we’re extremely proud about.”

The Derby team were commended by the JAG for providing a high quality service. Their nomination read: “We would like to congratulate the Endoscopy team for all their hard work during the accreditation process. Now that the team are accredited, we encourage that they use this accreditation mark to demonstrate their achievement.”

Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive at UHDB, was on hand to present the team with their monthly Making a Difference Award.

He said: “This award is for all sorts of reasons, with the first being for the work you’ve done throughout Covid-19 to help us maintain as many of our cancer services as possible. Being able to say that our Endoscopy units are now JAG accredited too, is a fantastic achievement.

“But I’d also like to thank you for the incredible work you’ve done around the restoration of the service after the first wave of the pandemic. I think we’ve now got back up to pretty much full steam in an incredibly short period of time. I’m conscious that is a massive team effort, so well done.”

If you would like to nominate a colleague or team for a Monthly Making a Difference Award, please let us know.

There are four monthly Making a Difference Awards categories:

  • Chief Executive Award – chosen by Gavin Boyle
  • Patient Hero Award – nominated by patients
  • Team UHDB Award – you can nominate your team or another team
  • Excellent Employee Award – you can nominate your colleagues

You can send a 300 word nomination, along with the name of the team or individual, their job title and where they work, to: uhdb.employeeawards@nhs.net.

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