ENT nurse sets up innovative conference to help others in nursing

An ENT nurse who hoped to develop her skills and learn from others in her field, has been inspired to hold an innovative conference that focuses on all things Ear, Nose and Throat.
Natasha Lucas, Aural care nurse practitioner, said she was delighted to hear the recent announcement that there will be a training budget for registered nurses, allied health professionals and midwives, but after beginning the search for a course to update her skills and knowledge, she was unable to find something suitable that covered the breadth of ENT, specifically for nurses.
She decided to organise her own event and enlisted the help of colleagues.
Natasha said: “I am passionate about improving practice and keeping up to date with knowledge and skills in my area of practice so I was disheartened to find that all the ENT specific courses are aimed at doctors and none are specifically for nurses. This inspired me to create a solution.”
After pitching the idea of a conference dedicated to ENT nurses to colleagues, Natasha was delighted to find that management and matrons were supportive of the idea.
She said: “The positive response really helped to kickstart the idea and made me work even harder to make it a reality. Setting up a course is not something I have done before in my role as a nurse, so help was needed to plan and implement the course. During this process, it was wonderful to get the chance to meet and work with colleagues I would not normally have come across in my day-to-day role.
“With the help of many colleagues, the ENT Nurse Conference was created and I am delighted with the response– it has been very popular and is now fully booked with 50 delegates.
“It was encouraging that colleagues were willing to get behind my idea to try to make it a success.”
Natasha hopes that if the conference is a success, it will prompt a regular nurse training programme here at UHDB.
She said: “I’m excited and a bit nervous for the conference day to arrive but I’m hopeful that this will be the start of a regular nurse training programme at UHDB.”
The event, which will take place on 17 January, aims to refresh skills and knowledge around the common ENT issues that are commonly seen in outpatient and GP practice areas. Key speakers from the Trust will discuss topics such as ear conditions and treatment options, vestibular disorders, thyroid function and thyroid cancers, tracheostomy care and rhinitis and epistaxis.