UHDB ranked above national average in 10 areas of patient care and experience in 2022 Adult Inpatient Survey

Patients have scored University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust above the national average in 10 areas - including having confidence in those caring for them, being treated with dignity, and being supported to eat - that were included in a national survey regarding hospital experience.
The national Adult Inpatient Survey, run by health regulatory body the Care Quality Commission (CQC) every year, surveyed adult inpatients' experiences at 133 NHS acute trusts in England in 2022.
The results, released last week, showed 93% of patients had confidence in UHDB nursing staff providing their care, 97% felt their privacy was supported, 90% thought staff always treated them with dignity, and 93% felt fully involved in conversations about their care.
The Trust has also made improvements around patients' experiences at mealtimes, with 90% reporting that staff made provisions for special food and dietary requirements, and the vast majority saying they had the support they needed to eat when they wanted to - a significant improvement since 2021 (82% compared to 71% respectively).
More than 500 patients who spent at least one night as an inpatient in a UHDB hospital took the time to complete the survey, and the results have seen the Trust highlighted in Health Service Journal (HSJ) analysis as being in the top 10 trusts nationally for the most significant change to overall experience scores.
Garry Marsh, Executive Chief Nurse at UHDB, said: "Our staff work hard every day to try and provide the best experience they can in hospital, sometimes in challenging circumstances, and I am delighted to see their efforts recognised through improved scores across a number of different areas.
"It is particularly welcome to see the improvements around mealtime support and helping patients with their nutrition and hydration, which has been a real area of focus for our teams over the last 12-months.
"Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey - your feedback is so important to helping us improve what we do, and we will be using these new results to help us pinpoint where we can do more to support a good patient experience in our hospitals."
Analysis of the results overall saw UHDB benchmark: above the national average for 10 questions; in line with the average for 35 questions; and worse than the average in zero questions.
Visit the CQC website for more information about the Adult inpatient survey 2022 >, including national and Trust-specific results.