Join us from 4.30pm on Tuesday 24 September for this year's Annual Members' Meeting

We are delighted to announce that this year's Annual Members' Meeting will be taking place on Tuesday 24 September.
The meeting will take place in the Lecture Theatre at Royal Derby Hospital, with doors opening from 4.30pm. Attendees will be able to visit a host of stalls prior to the meeting to find out more about the work of Derby and Burton Hospitals Charity, our Simulation training team, the League of Friends charity, the work of our Trust Governors and from a host of other areas from across the Trust.
The Annual Members' Meeting itself will take place from 5pm until 6.30pm, during which Trust Chair, Prem Singh, and Chief Executive, Stephen Posey, will be joined by colleagues to share more about our performance over the last year, and our plans for the year ahead.
Professor Tim England, Professor of Stroke Medicine at University of Nottingham, Honorary Consultant Stroke Physician and Associate Clinical Director for Stroke at UHDB, will also be delivering a presentation on the advancements in care for patients who have suffered a stroke.
British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters will be present, and a full recording will be made available shortly after the event for those who wish to recap or who were unable to attend in person.
If you would like to attend this year's Annual Members' Meeting, please email to book your place.
Full agenda for the UHDB 2024 Annual Members' Meeting
- 5pm: Welcome and introduction with Prem Singh, UHDB Chair
- 5.05pm: Spotlight on health inequalities with Professor Sir Andrew Goddard, Consultant Gastroenterologist
- 5.20pm: Review of the year 2023/24 and look forward to 2024/25 with Stephen Posey, UHDB Chief Executive and Executive colleagues
- 5.55pm: Overview of the Governor Engagement Group with Maura Teager, Public Governor
- 6pm: Overview of the Membership Engagement Group with Val Haylett, Public Governor
- 6.05pm: Presentation on improvements in stroke care with Professor Tim England, Honorary Consultant Stroke Physician and Associate Clinical Director for Stroke at UHDB
- 6.20pm: Public question and answer session
- 6.30pm: Closing remarks with Prem Singh, UHDB Chair
Getting to Royal Derby Hospital
All attendees to our Annual Members' Meeting will receive free car parking. Please park in any of our on-site car parks, and further instructions on how to get free parking will be provided at the event
The Lecture Theatre is locted on Level 2 in the Education Centre of Royal Derby Hospital.
You can download a copy of a map of the Royal Derby Hospital site from our website >.
The closest car park to our Lecture Theatre is Car Park 4, but you can park in any of our visitor car parks when attending the event. All of our car parks have accessible parking spaces.
If you need further assistance when visiting our hospital, please speak to one of our Volunteers who will be able to help signpost you to the venue. A patient transport buggy service is also available from the main entrance.