Chief Nurse Cathy Winfield to leave UHDB | Latest news

Chief Nurse Cathy Winfield to leave UHDB

Executive Chief Nurse, Cathy Winfield

Cathy Winfield, our Executive Chief Nurse will be leaving the Trust to take on a new role as Chief Nursing Officer for the Integrated Care Board in South Yorkshire.

Dr Magnus Harrison, Interim Chief Executive at UHDB said: “I want to congratulate Cathy on behalf of everyone at UHDB. Cathy has worked at UHDB, formerly at Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, for 13 years.

"She is a great leader and has played a fundamental role in advancing nursing as a profession which has benefitted our invaluable workforce and the patients we care for. We wish her well in her new role.”

Cathy will continue as Chief Nurse at UHDB for the next few months.

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