Location changes for services at Royal Derby Hospital
Over the coming weekend (22 - 23 October 2022), we will be reconfiguring our assessment units at Royal Derby Hospital to improve the pathway for acute medical patients.
The Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) and Surgical Assessment Unit (SAU) will be switching locations, with external access to both areas remaining unchanged. Signage and volunteers will be available to help patients and visitors who need to access those services.
The Surgical Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC), which is currently located within SAU, will also be relocated to occupy what is currently Ward 102 at the front of the Royal Derby Hospital. Patients and visitors should follow signage for Ward 102 when arriving at the Royal Derby Hospital.
We would like to thank you for your patience during these departmental moves, and would once more like to thank all of our colleagues who have been, and continue to be, involved in this work for your ongoing commitment and dedication.