National No Smoking Day 2021 | Latest news

National No Smoking Day 2021

National No Smoking Day 2021 is on March 10

Today (10 March 2021) is National No Smoking Day. This year's national campaign is centred around the theme of 'Quitting smoking does not have to be stressful'.

Many people have been more motivated than ever about improving their health during the lockdown. Unfortunately, there are some who may be reluctant since the lockdown for many has brought stress and emotional distress. Those people would feel that stopping smoking would be difficult. 

UHDB works closely with Livewell at Derby City Council and Live Life Better Derbyshire with Derbyshire County Council to help people who want to stop smoking. This includes helping to change people's mindset and offering medicinal support to help them stop smoking for good.

Find out more about Livewell (opens in new window) >

Find out more about Live Life Better Derbyshire (opens in new window) >

We also operate a 'Think Again' campaign on our sites and smoking is banned on hospital premises. 

Find out more about our 'Think Again' campaign >

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