UHDB becomes first NHS health and social care organisation CIMPSA partner | Latest news

UHDB becomes first NHS health and social care organisation CIMPSA partner

UHDB has become a strategic employer-partner with CIMSPA

UHDB has become the first NHS organisation within health and social care to become a strategic employer-partner with the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA)

CIMSPA is the professional development body for the sport and physical activity sector in the UK whose partnership with the Trust will help to inform best practice for physical activity interventions within health care, providing benefits for our patients and people alike.

The UHDB Wellbeing Team will now be able to work alongside CIMSPA and other sector leaders on the impact of an active and healthy lifestyle for our people, and to create more synergy between prescribing exercise as a means of recovery and prevention from illness and injury.

UHDB has entered into the partnership as the lead partner on behalf of Joined Up Care Derbyshire, meaning that other health and social care organisations across the region will be able to reap the benefits of what CIMSPA has to offer.

James Buckley, Head of Wellbeing and Workforce Health Services at UHDB, said: “It’s great to be leading the way as an NHS organisation in partnering with CIMSPA. At UHDB and across our Joined Up Care Derbyshire system, we are passionate about doing everything we can to improve the health and wellbeing of our people in any way we can.

“Becoming a CIMSPA partner is just another way for us to do this and to work strategically on how we can better develop and support colleagues’ knowledge, training, understanding and involvement in sport and physical activity to benefit their own patient care.

“It also allows us to explore opportunities for additional sector-relevant research programme development and insight around how to better align sport and physical activity for colleagues in a health care setting.”

There are exclusive benefits for UHDB colleagues too, with exercise leaders, referral instructors and new members able to receive discounted CIMSPA memberships, along with the ability to earn CPD points through the CIMSPA Academy to aid their continued professional development.

Fran D’Angelo, Health Improvement Advisor at UHDB, said the partnership will be of huge benefit to many colleagues across the Trust: “Working with CIMSPA is a great step towards making UHDB one of the healthiest places to be, both as an employee and a patient.

“As a CIMSPA member myself, it gives me the chance to earn CPD points and get discounted insurance for the work I do both here at the Trust and outside of that, as well as providing access to the latest research and insights to help me continue to grow and provide the best service possible to those I interact with.”

This furher enhances the award-winning wellbeing offering available to UHDB colleagues, in addition to the wealth of financial, mental, emotional and spiritual support available. 

Recap on when our Wellbeing Team was announced as winners of Best Wellbeing and Staff Experience Engagement Initiative at 2021 Nursing Times Workforce and Summit Awards >

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