First Medical Director role for Dr Pearson | Latest news

First Medical Director role for Dr Pearson

Dr Ben Pearson

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton is proud to announce that Dr Ben Pearson has been appointed as Medical Director at Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Trust.

Dr Pearson has been a Consultant Physician at UHDB since 2004 and has previously worked for the Trust as Clinical Director for Acute Medicine and Divisional Medical Director for Integrated Care, prior to our merger in July 2018.

This fantastic announcement comes just a week after Dr Arne Rose, Consultant in Emergency Medicine at UHDB, was also appointed Medical Director at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust.

Dr Magnus Harrison, UHDB Executive Medical Director, said: “Everyone at UHDB is thrilled for Dr Pearson that he has been appointed into his first Medical Director role. Dr Pearson has a real passion for ensuring quality care is provided within the community for the elderly population, so I have no doubt that he will do a fantastic job at Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Trust. As a Trust, we are passionate about developing our staff to be the best they can be, so we are extremely proud to see two of our Consultants recruited into their first Medical Director roles in the last week.”

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