Follow Covid survivor Dave's incredible UHDB rehabilitation journey here | Latest news

Follow Covid survivor Dave's incredible UHDB rehabilitation journey here

A Covid-19 survivor who spent more than two months fighting for his life in Intensive Care at UHDB has given a personal insight into his incredible recovery.

UHDB patient Dave was finally able to walk out of London Road Community Hospital on 19 June - a massive 91 days on from first being admitted to Royal Derby Hospital on 20 March.

After his condition began to deteriorate, Dave was then transferred to ICU, where he spent the next 63 days receiving around-the-clock treatment, before thankfully being declard fit enough to be moved to Ward 404. 

He said: "Basically, we had 48 hours to decide what we were going to do. Whether we were going to go down the line of Intensive Care, or if I was going to die - and I was never going to die because I’ve got too much to look forward to.

Follow Covid survivor Dave's rehabilitation journey from UHDB Communications on Vimeo.

"I was down there for 63 days, which really took it out of me because the longer you’re down there, the more muscle you lose and every day you’re losing so much muscle. But I pulled through and it’s a miracle when you do pull through."

There were emotional scenes on 5 June when Dave was treated to a standing ovation from the staff who had cared for him, as he was finally discharged from Royal Derby Hospital to London Road to continue his recovery. 

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