Frances Ebong tribute | Latest news

Frances Ebong tribute

Frances Ebong

We are sorry to announce that Frances Ebong, a staff nurse on Ward 7 at Queen’s Hospital Burton, has sadly passed away following illness. Frances joined the Trust in August 2018. Colleagues on Ward 7 will remember Frances as a well-respected nurse and that nothing was ever too much trouble.

They say Frances was such a caring nurse who always went above and beyond for her patients and colleagues, and that she had a beautiful smile and is missed by all on Ward 7. Frances, who was 38-years-old, was married with three young children. Our thoughts are with her family at this time and we will be doing everything we can to support them over the coming weeks and months. A minute’s silence for will be held at the staff Memorial Tree outside Ward 8 at Queen’s Hospital Burton at 11am today.

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