From Porters Lodge to Centre Stage; Meet Guy, our Singing Porter! | Latest news

From Porters Lodge to Centre Stage; Meet Guy, our Singing Porter!

Guy Melidino

A porter from Queen’s Hospital Burton is proving that our portering team don’t just walk the walk!

Guy Melidoni, Porter for over six years at Burton, has been singing across the globe for over 20 years. He spent 8 years in a band; however, he’s been singing solo for 10 years now.

“I love singing; it’s been going from strength to strength over the years. I work on the bank for the portering team so I can fit in my day job as well as my gigs!”

Our portering team clock up their steps on the day job – if they’re walking all day, they can walk anything up to 15 miles a day . 15 miles is just over 1% of the distance that it will take Guy to get to his next gig!

Guy is flying 1,500 miles to Benidorm tomorrow to perform on Sunday 8 March at a Charity Gig that raises money for abandoned dogs in Benidorm.

Guy said, “I’m looking forward to this immensely! Last time the group of us performed at one of these gigs, we raised over €10,000 for the same charity!”

Charity gigs are nothing new to guy, over the past couple of years, he has done his bit to give back to his place of work by singing at the National Brewery Centre in Burton to raise money for the QHB Oncology Unit and our Derby and Burton Stroke Unit.

Ian Holden, Portering Supervisor at Queen’s Hospital Burton said, “He’s not too bad at singing! It’s great that he can work for us and fit in his singing gigs by working for us on the bank – we call him “the singing porter”, we’ve even got him a mug with it on!”

Our Portering Team recently won the Team UHDB Making a Difference Award! Do you know an individual or a team that has gone above and beyond at Royal Derby Hospital, Queen’s Hospital Burton, Samuel Johnson Community Hospital, Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital or London Road Community Hospital? Email your nomination to, please include the nominees name, work place and short summary explaining why you think they deserve an award.

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