Happy 25th Anniversary Derbyshire Children's Hospital | Latest news

Happy 25th Anniversary Derbyshire Children's Hospital

Childrens Hospital

On 1 September, 1996, the very first paediatric patients moved to the new Derbyshire Children’s Hospital from the old site on North Street.

The brand new site, based on the now Royal Derby Hospital site, was the only entirely new children’s hospital to be built in the UK in the twentieth century

Shortly after the opening at the start of September 1996, Her Majesty the Queen visited staff and patients to officially open the hospital and showed a keen interest in the brand new facility for children and their families across Derbyshire.

Some of the staff who were involved in the move form North Street have reflected on their memories from 25 years ago.

Dr Nigel Ruggins, Paediatric Consultant, said, “It was a mixed bag of feelings really, because those of us who had worked in the old hospital, it was like leaving home, but there was also the excitement of the new hospital and getting started with a fresh start.

“It was a real military organised procedure to arrange the transfer of patients and staff, but actually on the day, it went incredibly well.

“There was great anticipation when we knew Her Majesty was coming to Derby and she was going to open the Children’s hospital for us. The staff were really excited to see her and meet her. I remember I was in the middle of doing an outpatient clinic, I walked out of my clinic and got introduced to her. It was fantastic for the staff that our monarch was interested I the opening of our new hospital.”

Penny Sutherland, Senior Paediatric Physiotherapist, said, “It was all exciting and very new. We’d been on walk rounds when it was being built and commented on many occasions that we were going to get lost, however, once you were in the building and the doors were on, it wasn’t such a rabbit warren after all.

“It was a thrill, the old hospital was lovely, it had a really nice family atmosphere, but it was crumbling down around our ears. We were fortunate that the family atmosphere really moved with us. It’s a great team to work with, it’s a great place to be.

“When Her Majesty The Queen visited, I was within about 4ft of her at one point which was really exciting. Some of the balloons which were there on the day, we were allowed to take home with us, so I took a set home and we celebrated my mums 60th birthday with balloons that were bought for the queen!”

Happy 25th Anniversary to Derbyshire Children’s Hospital!

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