Happy National Volunteers' Week to our amazing team of helpers! | Latest news

Happy National Volunteers' Week to our amazing team of helpers!

It's National Volunteers' Week so we want to pay tribute to the 600 or so amazing Trust volunteers who all help to make UHDB what it is.

Our team of helpers aren’t able to be with us at the moment because of the Covid-19 outbreak but they are all in our thoughts and we can’t wait to welcome them back soon!

Each and every one of our volunteers play such a vital role to our Trust and have helped countless numbers of patients, staff and hospital visitors over the last 12 months.

Krishna Kallianpur, our Interim Chief Nurse, has recorded a special message thanking all of our volunteers for all of their hard work.

Happy National Volunteers' Week! from UHDB Communications on Vimeo.

Many of our wonderful volunteers have literally spent decades dedicating their time to helping others in our hospitals and we want to say a massive thank you to each one of you!

We would also like to give thanks and show our appreciation to a small group of new and existing volunteers, who are in roles to support areas like the discharge lounge, pharmacy, the delivery of complimentary newspapers to some of our wards and to the charity hub delivering donations to staff across all sites.

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