High Sheriff of Derbyshire visits Royal Derby Hospital | Latest news

High Sheriff of Derbyshire visits Royal Derby Hospital

High Sheriff of Derbyshire

It was a pleasure to welcome The High Sheriff of Derbyshire, Mrs Lucy Palmer, and the HM Assistant Coroner in Derby, Miss Louise Pinder, to the Royal Derby Hospital last week.

The role of High Sheriff is appointed by Her Majesty The Queen to represent Her in each county in matters of law and order, while the HM Assistant Coroner assists the HM Senior Coroner and HM Area Coroner in legal proceedings.

Mrs Palmer and Miss Pinder met with CEO Gavin Boyle, Chairman John Rivers and Head of Legal Services Nicola Evans, before they paid a visit to the members of staff in the Emergency Department, posing questions to General Manager Lee Doyle and members of his team while being given a walk-through of the patient journey through our emergency department.

Then it was on to the Mortuary, where Mrs Palmer and Miss Pinder were given a guided tour of the facility by Specialist Healthcare Science Practitioner Marie Smith, Head of Derbyshire Pathology David Simpson and Consultant Pathologist Dr Sidhu Menon.

Mrs Palmer said: “I very much enjoyed my visit to the Royal Derby Hospital. Thank you to everyone for taking the time to show me around and for answering my questions.”

Chief Executive Gavin Boyle said: “The relationship between the Trust, the High Sheriff and the Coroner’s Office is really important for us as providers of care and I’m delighted the High Sheriff and HM Assistant Coroner took time to visit.”

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