‘I just know that they looked after him so well’ April thanks compassionate UHDB colleagues | Latest news

‘I just know that they looked after him so well’ April thanks compassionate UHDB colleagues

A relative has praised staff at Royal Derby Hospital for the care provided to her brother, who sadly passed away after contracting Coronavirus.

April Sly, praised Ward 404 for their compassion and thoughtfulness via a Facebook video she uploaded to her page last week.

Nigel, April’s brother, who lived in Cornwall prior to the lockdown, moved to the Midland’s to live with April so she could help support him.

April said, “Nigel had learning difficulties, he lived in a flat down in Cornwall with carers. When we found out we were going in to lockdown, we thought it would be better if he came and lived with us in the Midlands as he wouldn’t manage on his own, not being able to go to the day care centres he goes to every day.”

Unfortunately, within two days of Nigel coming to live with April, he started to show symptoms of Coronavirus. The family cared for him at home for eight days before he was admitted to the Royal Derby Hospital.

Nigel was admitted on to Ward 404 where he was cared for in the final few days of his life. The ward helped facilitate a phone call between the two of them so April could share one last conversation with her brother. She said, “I knew we were in the last couple of hours for my brother, but I was able to tell him that I loved him.

“He also asked me when he would be coming back home which broke my heart. I told him his bedroom was ready for him as soon as he felt ready to come home – I hope that provided him with some comfort.”

Sadly, Nigel lost his fight to Coronavirus on Wednesday, 8 April. April received many kind cards and messages of condolences from friends and family, but what she was not expecting was a card from the staff on Ward 404.

April said, “We received a card addressed to ‘The Family of Nigel’, we opened the card not really knowing who it was from. We then realised it was a card from the staff on Ward 404 who had cared for my brother in the final hours of his life, within the card they had included a packet of forget me not seeds to plant in his memory.

“The team on Ward 404 spent time caring for my brother in the final days of his life, it provides me with comfort that they were there to hold his hand and provide him with reassurance. I just know they looked after him so well, especially the Disability Nurse who supported him.

“I can’t thank the team on Ward 404 enough for sending me this card, it has really touched me and I just want to thank you for all that you did for my brother. I will plant the forget-me-nots and each year I will take time to remember my brother and those that looked after him at the Royal Derby Hospital.”

Ward 404 has been sending out condolence cards and seeds to all of those families who have lost a relative to Coronavirus.

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