'I still get up every morning looking forward to the day ahead’: meet 80-year-old, Joe – UHDB’s oldest member of staff! | Latest news

'I still get up every morning looking forward to the day ahead’: meet 80-year-old, Joe – UHDB’s oldest member of staff!

Joe Sim

It is believed that Joe Sim, Energy Monitor for University Hospitals of Derby and Burton, is the oldest member of staff throughout the whole of Team UHDB. He turns 80 on 17 March and has worked for the NHS for just under 60 years. We caught up with him to speak about his career journey!

What day did you start working in the NHS?

I started working as an Assistant Engineer at Pastures Hospital in Mickleover on Monday, 5 November 1962. I definitely have my wife to thank for this! I met my wife when she was working as a theatre Nurse at the DRI. I used to go and wait for her after work, but being a theatre nurse, there were many occasions when the operations would over run and she’d be late off shift. I kept myself entertained by taking a stroll around the site – this is when I got talking to different members of staff. One day I got speaking to the boilerman who worked there – he made me realise the hospital wasn’t just built up with Doctors and Nurses, and I believe that’s when my interest for engineering in the NHS began!

What different jobs have you had throughout your career in the NHS?

Throughout my time in the NHS I have had many jobs which have also meant I have seen many changes (both big and small!). After working at the Pastures Hospital, I moved to work as a Senior Engineer at the Derby City Hospital in 1967. I worked in this job until there was a major NHS reorganisation.

In 1983 I became a member of the Executive Board, working as a Director of Works and Facilities. I very much enjoyed my work on the board, we all worked so well together as a team and I really felt like I made a positive difference.

I have had too many roles in the NHS to name them all! In 1999, I retired after 40 years’ service – but as you can see, I’m still here 21 years later, so I never really left! In 2003, I came back part time as Energy Monitor – I’m still here enjoying myself and working every weekday morning!

What are a few of the biggest changes/events that have happened whilst you’ve worked for the NHS?

There have been many – a big one being the NHS Reorganisation in 1973 – at the time I was working as a District Works Officer across South Derbyshire.

Another big change was when we moved a lot of our hospital services from the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary to the Royal Derby Hospital – that was a big change not just for our hospital staff, but for our patients and visitors as well.

And finally, of course, personally, a huge event in my NHS Career - getting married to my wonderful wife who I met in the NHS – we married in 1964 and have had 56 happy years of marriage together.

Most memorable moment?

I’ve worked in the NHS for nearly six decades, but my most memorable moment has to be one from just last year! I was nominated for a “Best Behind the Scenes Award” for the Making a Difference Awards, the Trust’s staff recognition scheme.

It was a big enough shock to even be nominated, but an even bigger one to attend the awards ceremony on the evening and be presented with the winners award!

The nomination was totally out of the blue! I’d never even think to put my work forward for an award.

What does it feel like to be the oldest in the Trust?

I cannot believe I am the oldest member of staff in the Trust! I’m still enjoying every day and definitely still having fun! I get up every morning looking forward to the day ahead. I have no plans to leave – I will keep working for as long as I can, just as long as I am still making an impact in my role!

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