In memory of Lynda Poyser | Latest news

In memory of Lynda Poyser

Lynda Poyser

Lynda Poyser, medical secretary in Histology, fondly known as Lin, sadly passed away in early June following a long illness. Lin joined the Trust as a clerical officer, initially in Cytology booking in the samples, before progressing to become a medical secretary looking after several Consultant Histopathologists.

Andrea Gooding, Cellular Pathology Manager and a colleague of Lin’s, on behalf of the team, said: “Lin was instrumental in the setting up of pathology’s involvement in MDT’s many years ago. She took great pride in her work and showed diligence and great attention to detail when supporting consultants and when the service needed to prepare for external quality assurance visits and inspections. Lin was very much the intelligent, strong and dependable one in the team.

“Lin’s positive outlook and determination to be in work despite her illness was a testament to her will power and dedication to the Trust, the service and her colleagues. She had an amazing heart, a good sense of humour and nothing was ever too much for her. She was always very helpful and colleagues who worked with her for more than 20 years always knew her to be a kind soul.”

Dr Rahul Deb, Consultant Histopathologist, said: “Lin was the most amazing person to work with. We had a long association of over 15 years as Lin was my secretary from my very first day at UHDB. I have always known Lin to be dedicated, organised and funny. This became even more apparent during her illness where she continued to work with an incredibly positive outlook despite several challenges and in that time, became a personal inspiration and hero to me.  Lin will be missed by all of us forever.”

Our sympathy and sincere condolences are with Lin’s family.

Caption: Lin Poyser, seated front centre left in pink, with colleagues from the Histology Admin Team

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