Inclusion at UHDB: A letter to UHDB staff from the Chair and CEO | Latest news

Inclusion at UHDB: A letter to UHDB staff from the Chair and CEO

Gavin and Kathy

Dear colleague,

Few could fail to be affected by the dreadful death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on 25 May 2020. Around the world people have expressed both their anguish and support for the Black Lives Matter movement. This tragedy has become emblematic of a need for radical change. We support the peaceful protests for change and want to play our part in this. There is no place for racism in our society and certainly no place for it in our organisation.

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton is one of the largest employers in our region, our workforce is diverse, as are the communities we serve. However, this alone does not make us an inclusive organisation, as much as we would want to be. For example, we know that Black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) applicants are less likely to be appointed once shortlisted, more than half of our medical staff are from a BAME heritage but this proportion is not reflected in our leadership roles. We have a strong Filipino team who sometimes feel unable to speak up. The Board itself is diverse in some ways, but we are very aware that in others it is not.

We have already started on a journey to become a more inclusive organisation but progress has been too slow. As well as the events of 25 May, the disproportionate effect of Covid-19 on our people and the wider public from a BAME heritage has also caused us to reflect on the pace of change and our commitment to this.

As part of our response to Covid-19 we have had discussions with many of our BAME staff, not just about the epidemic but their wider experience of being people of colour within our Trust. It was humbling to listen to respected colleagues explain that the organisation did not yet represent everyone and provide the same opportunities for all. This must change.

At our Board meeting on Tuesday this week we committed to some initial actions to address this, not only for BAME colleagues, but for all who face similar disadvantage:

  • We will find a way to increase the diversity of our Board, our corporate leadership and clinical divisions – to ensure that we are led in a more inclusive way.
  • We will quickly establish an independently chaired Trust Forum to include representation from our staff networks and diversity leads.
  • We will strengthen our staff networks – each will be supported by an Executive Director who will ensure that their voice is heard at the Board.
  • We will establish a co-mentoring programme where we will ask colleagues from diverse backgrounds to help guide and develop Board members and other senior leaders in their understanding of the challenges faced.

In addition, we are in the process of developing a longer term Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy to help us become the inclusive organisation that we want to be and that all our people have a right to expect. We are making this plan together with colleagues from all backgrounds; we will publish it, commit publically to its delivery and stand ready to be held to account for it.

We’re trying hard to build a culture of openness, compassion and excellence at UHDB and the events of the past few weeks and of Covid-19 have only reinforced just how important this work is.

The Board is asking all our people to join with us and help to make UHDB an inclusive family. Only by valuing each of our colleagues, respecting difference and recognising how this makes us stronger will we achieve our purpose of delivering Exceptional Care Together.

Yours sincerely

Kathy McLean, Chair

Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive     

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