Join Avtar for his final fundraising efforts | Latest news

Join Avtar for his final fundraising efforts

Picture of Avtar waving

Our amazing porter, Avtar Samrai, has been undertaking an epic fundraising task recently to raise funds to remember our colleagues who we have sadly lost during COVID-19.

Avtar ran three miles every day for 31 days, doing laps of our hospital sites and was joined by fellow members of #TeamUHDB, before tappering down his running to two miles a day. 

Now, as his fundrasing efforts draw to a close, Avtar is taking on two final charitable challenges.

On Saturday 25 July, Avtar will be walking from Alfreton to Royal Derby Hospital. The walk will start from Tesco on Hall Street, Alfreton and will finish at the main entrance of RDH, where there will be Asian Dhool players Bhangera dancers and food to celebrate. There is also a free breakfast for anyone who wishes to join in on the walk. 

The route will see walkers head out from Alfreton at 8am to Swanwick, then onto Ripley, Little Eaton and then stopping for lunch at Morrison's at the Meteor Centre in Derby. Then the route will head to Duffield before finishing at Royal Derby Hospital.

Then on Saturday 15 August, Avtar is taking part in a static bike ride in the Kings Treatment Centre at RDH from 8am - 6pm. If you would like to get involved, the entry fee is £5, with all proceeds going towards Avtar's fundraising total, which at the time of writing stands at £5,820.

For more information about these events, please contact

You can view Avtar's JustGiving page >

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