Joined Up Care Derbyshire Wellbeing team named as finalist for Most Inclusive Menopause Friendly Employer Award

Congratulations to our colleagues from Joined Up Care Derbyshire's (JUCD) Wellbeing team, who have made the final shortlist in the Menopause Friendly Employer Awards.
The awards, which are also a fund-raiser for menopause-related charities. programmes and research, work to shine a light on organisations that go above and beyond to improve support and facilities for colleagues who are experiencing menopause.
The team works across NHS organisations in Derbyshire and East Staffordshire to provide a wealth of wellbeing support to colleagues, including a menopause café, support for colleagues and managers and leaders, as well as physical, mental and financial health advice.
Nicola Bullen, Associate Director for Health, Safety and Wellbeing at UHDB, said she is proud to see the support being offered by the team recognised on a national stage, stating their intention to continue to evolve and develop their services:
"I am immensely proud of the team for their commitment to the inequalities agenda, in particular a programme that supports the LGBTQIA+ population across health and social care in the Midlands.
"Trans and non-binary people are not widely supported in the Menopause space and it's an area where our work has just begun."
Deborah Garlick, CEO of Henpicked: Menopause in The Workplace, which is organising the awards, thanked the team and all other finalists for their commitment to support those experiencing the menopause and for making their workplaces more inclusive.
She said: "There is remarkable work being undertaken by employers and individuals whose dedication is changing hearts and minds to improve people’s lived experience of menopause in the workplace.”
The team will join the other finalists, alongside other menopause friendly employers at the awards ceremony, on Thursday September 14 at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London.