Knitted nurses donated to NICU staff | Latest news

Knitted nurses donated to NICU staff

knitted nurses posing

Dozens of knitted nurses have been donated to staff at Royal Derby Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) – as a special thank you for everything they’ve done for families in the community.

Val Needham, from charity Friends of the Baby Unit, has kindly knitted 60 nurses for staff on the NICU, with the dolls being designed to have different hair colours and uniforms to allow colleagues to pick their own lookalikes!  

Karen Sampson, NICU Senior Sister, said: “I’d like to personally thank our charity Friends of the Baby Unit for donating 60 knitted nurses to our staff. Each of the knitted nurses have been made personal and we’ve had great fun deciding which doll belongs to which member of staff.

“This has helped provide a great morale boost for all of our staff in what have been difficult times over the last few months. Each little gesture like this makes such a great difference, so thank you.”   

Knitted nurses donated to NICU from UHDB Communications on Vimeo.

Friends of the Baby Unit was first established in 1976 and has raised more than £2 million to provide equipment and support for the NICU and all the colleagues who work there making such a big difference looking after premature babies and babies who need care immediately after they’re born.  

Andy Blurton, Chair of Friends of the Baby Unit, said: “We very much pride ourselves on being an independent local charity that supports this fantastic unit. The staff on the unit do such an amazing job and make a huge difference to the lives of so many families; even more so now during these difficult times. The work they do and the fantastic dedication staff on the unit show is second to none and we’re extremely proud to be able to support them.”     

Tune into BBC East Midlands Today at 6.30pm today to find out more.

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