Lucy-May Moulden - What PRIDE means to me | Latest news

Lucy-May Moulden - What PRIDE means to me

Lucy-May Moulden

Happy Pride Month! Every year in June, people around the world celebrate diversity, inclusion, and the LGBTQ+ community. Just as we are all unique individuals, “Pride” can mean something different from person to person.

We've been speaking to our colleagues at Team UHDB about Pride and have heard some truly moving stories that have inspired us to continue creating a welcoming, inclusive community.

Lucy-May Moulden who works in the A&E department at Royal Derby Hospital spoke to us about what Pride means to her.

“For me being welcomed into the safe space that is Pride, where people can be out and proud is a privilege.

“I feel privileged to have the opportunity to celebrate the changes brought about by the sacrifices of strong people like Marsha P. Johnson and Stormé Delarverie who were directly involved in the Stonewall uprising. Without their courage and resistance I may not have befriended, loved, worked with or unknowingly had my life changed by people who would otherwise not have succeeded in their life the way they have been allowed to because of progression of the cause.

“That is not to say there is not more work to be done.

“That privilege to celebrate comes with a responsibility to progress change every day and Pride is still a political act to protest against inequality.

“Being an ally to friends, colleagues, patients and staff is something I am very proud of. Being able to show the people around me I will create a safe space for them and celebrate and champion them is something I take seriously and invest in. Educating myself in an area I could never truly understand helps me to stand with those that do to provide support, love and equality.

“Warm, welcoming, fun. If you want to party today, do the work every day”



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