Macmillan Centre in Derby earns top marks for cancer support | Latest news

Macmillan Centre in Derby earns top marks for cancer support

Macmillan cancer centre

The Macmillan Information Centre at Royal Derby Hospital has been awarded the Macmillan Quality Environment Mark (MQEM) after receiving the highest possible rating of 'Excellent'.

The MQEM award, given by Macmillan Cancer Support, is the first in the UK that specifically assesses how well buildings such as chemotherapy units and information centres provide support and care to people affected by cancer, and also recognises high standards in building design. 

To achieve the award, which has been developed by people living with cancer, centres have to score highly in areas such as use of space, comfort and atmosphere, personal and social interaction and health and wellbeing, with consideration also given to the greeting people receive when they come to a centre, the use of natural light and outdoor space, and the availability of quiet, private rooms. 

In 2019, the Centre helped 5,708 local people living with cancer, and their families, with free, confidential support and advice. Visitors to the centre can browse a wide variety of information booklets, get one-to-one specialist Macmillan benefits advice and practical help coping with symptoms and side effects of their treatment such as hair loss.

Lisa Freeman, Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Specialist at the Centre, says: “We are so pleased to achieve the highest score in the assessment. The staff and volunteers at the centre work so hard year-round to make sure the centre is a safe and welcoming space for anyone affected by cancer.”

Susan Sanderson, Macmillan Partnership Manager for Derbyshire says: “I’d like to congratulate the whole team who work tirelessly to make the Macmillan Information Centre such a comforting place to be for people with cancer and their families. To have achieved a top score of ‘Excellent’ in the assessment truly reflects the commitment and passion of the staff and volunteers at the centre to provide such a high-standard of care and support to people affected by cancer in Derbyshire.

Writer and poet Sunita Thind, from Derby, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2016 at just 33 years old: “After my diagnosis, I had my left ovary and appendix removed; I was very poorly. I was violently sick and had trouble breathing which meant I had chest and lung drains. It was very scary. I had six months of chemotherapy, physiotherapy and endless scans and x-rays. It was the most terrifying year of my life.

“I found the Macmillan centre at Royal Derby Hospital when I was attending my chemotherapy sessions. The team were welcoming, friendly and happy to help me in any way they could. They gave me lots of information on health and wellbeing and signposted me to other therapies that could help with my emotional wellbeing. They also helped me with a financial assessment to see if I could get any benefits whilst I was poorly.”

Sunita continues: “I would recommend that other people who have or have had cancer to go along to the centre - you never know what opportunities are available and what you can do to bring a more holistic and positive approach to cancer.”

If you have questions about cancer, or to find out how you can support Macmillan, call 0808 808 0000.

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