Maternity services in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent | Latest news

Maternity services in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent


Together We’re Better, the local health and care partnership, is seeking to improve midwifery services in these areas by offering more personalised care around the needs of pregnant people and their families.

Our clinicians and staff are working to develop proposals to support an on-demand model – this includes exploring how we can restore births at County and Samuel Johnson, which were temporarily closed due to COVID-19. There is more work for us to do, behind the scenes before we can confirm this model will happen. We will need to listen to our staff as we look to develop a continuity of carer rota. We will also need to train and recruit new midwives to support this community model.

We hope that by autumn/winter 2021 we will be able to offer this model – subject to the COVID-19 situation.

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