New Car Parking Information | Latest news

New Car Parking Information

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Concessionary rates have been introduced for specific groups of patients and visitors at Queens Hospital and Community Hospitals Samuel Johnson Lichfield and Sir Robert Peel Tamworth.

The Car Parking Team has been contacting Outpatient departments to inform them of these changes and has endeavoured to ensure as many departments as possible are aware. However, if your department has yet to be contacted and meets the below criteria, please email: or

  • Frequent outpatient attenders - free parking will be provided to all outpatients who attend hospital for an appointment at least three times within a month and for an overall period of at least three months. A ‘month’ is defined as a period of 30 days.
  • Parents of sick children staying overnight - this is for a parent or guardian of a child or young person, under 18 years of age, who is admitted as an inpatient at hospital overnight. They receive free parking between the hours of 7.30pm - 8am while visiting the child. This applies to a maximum of two vehicles. This does not include maternity patients (ladies giving birth etc).

Car Parking staff will arrange to visit your department and discuss with you the process of how to achieve free parking for these groups of patients and visitors.

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