New parents blessed with the perfect start to the new decade | Latest news

New parents blessed with the perfect start to the new decade

A handful of happy couples were able to start the new decade in the best way possible yesterday by welcoming their new babies into the world in our hospitals.  

Little Madison Brianne Ashley-Lane became our first new arrival of 2020 when she was delivered just minutes into the New Year at Royal Derby Hospital, weighing 7 lbs 8. 

Madison was due to arrive on New Year's Eve, with "overwhelmed" new mum Stephanie Ashley-Lane describing having the first baby of the year as a "very strange feeling".

Baby Madison

She said: "We had the fireworks on the telly and I heard someone shout 'she's got 10 minutes until midnight. We're going to do New Year's Eve another day though, as we want to enjoy New Year's as a family."

Around two hours later, we also had our first arrival of the year at Queen's Hospital Burton, as first-time parents Terri Bastable and Jordan Middleton met their daughter Ivy for the very first time. 

Ivy, who weighed 7 lbs 9 and was born with a full head of hair, arrived a day earlier than planned at 2.49am on New Year's Day, with Terri admitting she was in love already.

Baby Ivy

She said: "It was a really long day and night and I am really tired, but it was all worth it. Looking at her now, I can’t stop smiling. She is so beautiful."

Dad Jordan added: "It is a really nice start to the year. We are so happy now she is here."

Elsewhere in the hospital, Melissa and Craig Rudd maintained an unusual family tradition by welcoming daughter Milly Suzannah to the world on the first day of the year.

Melissa said: "We thought we would have her here for Christmas but she kept us waiting. My mum, dad, sister and I were all born on the first of a month and she was born at 1pm on the first of the first, so she is keeping up the tradition!"

New parents Rebecca and Phil Sheldon also got a "New Year's gift we weren't expecting", when their new son was born prematurely at Royal Derby Hospital at 11.06am. 

The couple haven't yet chosen a name for their son because of his surprise birth, although they did reveal that firstborn Stanley kept calling his new brother Barney!

*Photos courtesy of Derbyshire Live and Burton Mail*

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