NHS staff survey results show staff would recommend UHDB | Latest news

NHS staff survey results show staff would recommend UHDB

staff debating survey

Staff at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton would recommend our hospitals to their loved ones and think the Trust is a great place to work, the NHS national staff survey has today revealed.

The Trust’s score was found to be above the national average in nine of the 10 categories being assessed in the survey, including staff engagement and opportunities for career progression.

According to the findings, 79% of staff at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton would be happy to recommend our hospitals to a friend or relative if they need treatment. 

The Trust’s scores are also above the national average for several other important measures of staff experience, including morale, and for providing a safe culture and environment for staff.

The Trust came into being in July 2018, bringing together our five hospitals – in Derby, Burton, Lichfield and Tamworth – to provide the highest quality care to patients across southern Derbyshire and south east Staffordshire.

Dr Neil Pease, Executive Director of Workforce & Organisational Development, said: “These results are pleasing, bearing in mind that our staff were completing the survey only a few months after the new Trust came into being, following the merger of two hospital trusts. I’d like to thank our staff for their continued dedication to meeting the needs of our patients.”

Over 4,500 staff based in Derby and Burton took part in the national survey, one of the largest of its kind, giving their views about their experiences of working in the NHS. 

Dr Pease added: “Over the next few months we will be working with our staff to look in depth at the opportunities to improve to make us an even better place to work. We’ll also be looking at how we can further improve communication between staff across our five sites and exploring how to make improvements in inclusion, so that all staff feel that their voice is being heard.”

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