Nightingale Macmillan Unit turns 11! | Latest news

Nightingale Macmillan Unit turns 11!

Nightingale Macmillan Unit team

This week marks 11 years since our Nightingale Macmillan Unit moved to Royal Derby Hospital!

The team have had many special achievements throughout their 11 years, but they say their greatest achievements of all was being able to discharge a patient to her family home in Thailand for end of life care, and being able to palliate the symptoms of a patient so she could have her last wish to holiday in America.

In just over a decade, the team have developed our palliative care services so that we can offer specialist symptom management with access to services within Royal Derby Hospital, holistic end of life care and complex discharge planning.

The service has recently been further enhanced by the opening of Ward 2 at London Road Community Hospital, who are also caring for end of life care patients.

The NMU team would like to thank their Senior Sister, Julie Tydeman, who played a pivotal role in the planning of the move to the Royal Derby Hospital move and her ongoing development of the service.

Thank you also to the team for all their hard work, enthusiasm, care and continued support.

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