Nurse Hamed thanks police for wonderful gesture | Latest news

Nurse Hamed thanks police for wonderful gesture

Nurse Hamed

A Royal Derby Hospital nurse whose bike was stolen while he was caring for patients has been given a replacement bike by Derbyshire Constabulary as a special thank you.

Hamed Naeem works in the Medical Assessment Unit and had just completed a night shift on 1 May when he discovered that his new bike had been stolen from outside the hospital.

Police immediately launched an investigation into the theft, with officers from the local Safer Neighbourhood team then deciding that they wanted to do something extra to help Hamed get to and from work.

Officers presented him with a replacement bike earlier today (13 May) at Littleover Police Station, with Hamed expressing his gratitude to our blue light colleagues for the lovely gesture.

He said: “I really didn’t expect anything like this and it was really nice of the police to give me a new bike.

“I have only started in my new career as a nurse in March and I had bought the bike with my first wages to get to and from work. I couldn’t believe it when I finished my night shift to find it gone. The walk home that morning felt the longest I had ever done.

“I am really pleased with the replacement bike and I have bought myself a bigger and better chain to make it more secure at work.”

Sergeant Mark Perry, from the Safer Neighbourhood team, said: “Unfortunately bike theft is a regular crime across the city and obviously replacing the bikes for victims is not something we can ordinarily do. However, in the current situation and given the pressure that our health workers are under at the moment, we wanted to do something.

“My colleague Sergeant Mike Sisman realised that we had a stock of un-recovered found bikes that were due to go for auction so we obtained agreement to donate one of these to Hamed.”

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