‘Nursing isn't just a job, it's my identity': Burton nurse retires after over 50 years of caring for people | Latest news

‘Nursing isn't just a job, it's my identity': Burton nurse retires after over 50 years of caring for people

Jackie Warren

Jackie Warren, a registered nurse who has dedicated more than half a century to nursing, is retiring from Queen’s Hospital Burton.

Over the last 51 years Jackie has seen and embraced several changes to the way nursing care is co-ordinated and delivered.

Jackie’s daughter, Vicky, said: “Nursing isn't just a job for my mum, it's part of her identity, so, the decision to retire has not been an easy one for her.”

Jackie has achieved so much over the years she has been nursing and most notably remained at the front-line during the COVID-19 pandemic as part of the incredible response by University Hospitals of Derby and Burton staff.

Jackie spoke about her career highlights, she said, “Well the first highlight was passing my nursing exams back in 1973, without them, I wouldn’t have been able to do the career I have loved doing for the past five decades.

“Secondly, working at the Burton general Hospital alongside Sister Wilson, she was my hero to work alongside, unfortunately she passed away last year, but I owe her, she taught me everything there is to know about nursing.

“I’ll miss everyone, especially the team on Ward 5, nursing has it has been such a huge part of my life, but I am now looking forward to the next chapter, which will hopefully include a few holidays and relaxation! I hope they still invite me to their staff parties – the party doesn’t carry on without me!”

“I’m also looking forward to being “mother of the bride” at my daughters upcoming wedding.”

Jane Jenkins, Healthcare Support Worker on Ward 5, said, “Jackie not being here is going to leave a massive hole in our team, she is the kindest nurse I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

“Mama Warren is what we all refer to her as, one because she is the oldest and two because she looks after us all and keeps us all in check.”

Alison Wadlow, Matron, said “Jackie has been a truly outstanding member of staff to work alongside, she has an absolute heart of gold.”

Amanda Rawlings, Chief People Officer, said, “Jackie has touched the lives of many within Staffordshire communities and many have undoubtedly left a mark on her too.

"So, we thank you Jackie for years of dedication and commitment and wish you a healthy and happy retirement.”


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