Nursing trio to jump the extra mile for our patients | Latest news

Nursing trio to jump the extra mile for our patients

Dedicated Queen’s Hospital Burton nurses

Three dedicated Queen’s Hospital Burton nurses with a fear of heights and flying are preparing to take on the ultimate challenge for a cause they are passionate about.

Claire Stanford, Vicky Bradley and Heather Wheeler all work on Ward 14 at the hospital and are planning to “jump the extra mile” for our patients by taking on a tandem sky dive.  

The trio are looking to overcome their fears and raise £2,000 to buy new equipment for the ward, with ward sister Claire revealing that she actually came up with the idea at 4am, whilst working a night shift.  

She said: “We have all got a fear of flying and heights but this is character building and it will be fun. It is about team building and putting some fun into a job that is hard work. The patients have been so kind and generous and really interested in what we are doing. It has been really humbling.”

The jump will take place on July 8 at Langar Airfield in Nottingham, with Claire, fellow ward sister Vicky and Nursing Associate Heather hoping to purchase new equipment to improve patient care, including ear saturation monitors and a specialist observation machine.

Vicky, who has worked on the ward for 15 years, said: "We are a very good team here but I am very nervous. Every time someone donates, my tummy does a roll but I am excited. This equipment will help us to do our job more easily. We are a family here as well."

Claire added: “People say they come to us and we make their horrendous journey a little better with simple acts of kindness; we have got to make that difference and go that step higher. If you want to support Ward 14, it will really enhance what we do, as we really feel we do already go above and beyond for the ward. I would also like to say thank you to everyone who has sponsored us so far and those planning to do so."

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