UHDB was honoured to recently invite the High Sheriff of Derbyshire, Theresa Peltier, to Royal Derby Hospital - as part of a visit to a number of our teams and departments where action is being taken to address health inequalities, and promote a culture of openness, diversity, and inclusion.
As part of her ongoing theme for the year, 'Unity is Community', Theresa's aim is to gain insight into areas across Derbyshire where changes have been implemented to improve service delivery for marginalised groups.
The Lead of our Age Positive Staff Network, Evan Blackwood-Pitter, is a personal friend of Theresa, and made contact with her to explore a visit after learning of this theme. Following this, in collaboration with Harinder Dhaliwal - our Assistant Director for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) - and our EMBRACE Staff Network, we organised several department visits for Theresa to reflect this theme.