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Dr Okike and Dr Sarah Todd, whose project has been shortlisted for a Patient Experience Network National Award

Project embedding medical students with Patient Experience team shortlisted for national award

An innovative project which embeds medical students into the Patient Experience team to help them gain a deeper understanding of a patient's time spent in hospital has been recognised after being shortlisted for a national award. The Paediatric Medical Students Patient Experience and Quality Improvement Special Study Module (SSM), was developed after colleagues at UHDB identified a gap in the curriculum for students around understanding the full patient journey and the experiences of patients who require admission to our hospitals.

Organ Donation

Colleagues show support for Organ Donation Week

Clinicians and colleagues at UHDB are urging members of the community to confirm registration of becoming an organ donor if they wish to give the gift of life.

This week, 18 -24 September, is Organ Donation week and in Derbyshire there are currently 102 people waiting for a transplant. In Staffordshire that number is 125.

Making a Difference Awards 2023 shortlist

Making a Difference Awards 2023 shortlist

We are pleased to announce the individuals and teams who have been shortlisted for the Making a Difference Awards 2023.

The Making a Difference Awards recognise those who are going above and beyond to drive improvements in quality, patient care and supporting UHDB to be the best place to work.

Liver Team gets IQILS accreditation

Liver team becomes first centre in the East Midlands to gain prestigious accreditation

The Liver team at Royal Derby Hospital has been recognised nationally for providing exceptional care for patients with liver disease - becoming the first centre in the East Midlands and the eleventh centre in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland to do so. The team demonstrated to Improving Quality in Liver Services (IQILS) assessors that they are providing safe care, improving services to those diagnosed with liver problems and developing plans to continue to evolve the service.  

JUCD menopause team

Joined Up Care Derbyshire Wellbeing team named as finalist for Most Inclusive Menopause Friendly Employer Award

Congratulations to our colleagues from Joined Up Care Derbyshire's (JUCD) Wellbeing team, who have made the final shortlist in the Menopause Friendly Employer Awards.

The awards, which are also a fund-raiser for menopause-related charities. programmes and research, work to shine a light on organisations that go above and beyond to improve support and facilities for colleagues who are experiencing menopause.

Dr Teresa Grieve, Co-Director of the Derby Clinical Trials Support Unit (DCTSU) and Assistant Director of Research & Development at UHDB

Derby Clinical Trials Support Unit part of East Midlands partnership to establish new pre- and post-application support for researchers through NIHR Research Support Service

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has awarded £8.5 million to an East Midlands partnership, including Derby Clinical Trials Support Unit (DCTSU), part of University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (UHDB), to deliver one of eight hubs of the new NIHR Research Support Service (RSS).

Parkinson's patient Scott Beighton

Patient with Parkinson's Disease praises therapy team for ongoing compassion and support

A man who was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease has praised the compassion and support shown to him by UHDB's Parkinson's therapy team after he was delivered what he called a 'devastating' diagnosis.

47-year-old Scott Beighton, has candidly spoken about the ongoing support he has received from the Specialist Rehabilitation Team at Florence Nightingale Community Hospital who he said were 'instrumental' in helping him come to terms with his life-changing diagnosis.

Karen Bussooa has received a BEM in the New Year's Honours list

Retired nurse Karen "proud" to be returning to UHDB as new public Governor

A retired nurse has spoken of her pride at returning to a role at UHDB as she embarks on a new chapter of her NHS service. Karen Bussooa BEM was recently appointed as one of our new public Governors for the Derby City constituency and returns to a role with the Trust after retiring in 2020 following 42 years of service in the NHS in Derbyshire.

Aldarico Velasco, Digital Nurse Specialist at UHDB

Aldarico shortlisted for Nursing Times Workforce Award for compassionate support offered to international nurses

A nurse who made a near 7,000 mile trip to the UK to pursue a career in nursing has spoken of his pride at being shortlisted for a national award for the guidance and support he has offered those who have followed in his footsteps. Aldarico Velasco first came to the UK four years ago as an internationally educated nurse and has since gone on to become UHDB's first International Nurse Facilitator

Committed QHB Sterile Services colleagues recognised for working 'tirelessly' to support UHDB

The Sterile Services team based at Queen's Hospital Burton has been recognised for its commitment, hard work, and compassion - consistently going above and beyond to help colleagues across the hospital to continue to deliver services to patients, particularly during especially high-pressure periods, including throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sterile Services consist of a large decontamination unit, where all instruments (such as needle-holders, dissecting forceps, and scissors) that are used in clinics and theatres for treatment are sent to the team for a range of different cleaning processes - making sure items are safe for future use.

The team have been working beyond normal hours continuously, offering an extended service in order to support the reduction of waiting lists both at QHB and across the Trust, as well as playing a vital role in ensuring patient and staff safety throughout Covid-19. Their continued dedication has seen them recognised by Chief Executive, Stephen Posey, who has presented them with his CEO Monthly Making a Difference Award.

Cellular Pathology Lab recognised for impressive improvements at coveted national awards

The Cellular Pathology Lab Service, part of the wider Derbyshire Pathology team, has been recognised nationally for their hard work to improve their service, allowing patients to receive their test results in a more timely manner.

The team was highly commended at the 2023 RCPath Achievement Awards, the esteemed annual awards scheme organised by the Royal College of Pathologists, for improving waiting times for test results despite seeing an increase in demand on their service.

South Asian Heritage Month 2023 - Sangeeta shares her story

18 July to 18 August 2023 is this year's South Asian Heritage Month.

Here at #TeamUHDB, this is an opportunity to say thank you to all of our South Asian colleagues and members of our communities for their invaluable contribution to our NHS, and our society. Colleagues from South Asia have helped make not just UHDB, but the whole our National Health Service, what it is today.

As part of our commemoration of this awareness month, we have spoken to one of our colleagues about her South Asian heritage, and its importance to her. Sangeeta Mahey, an EDI Officer within our People Services team, is a third generation British-Indian, with a Punjabi Sikh family background - and spoke to us about her connection with this heritage has guided her through life and given her a sense of belonging, which you can read below.

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