Patient experience week 2024

Patient Experience Week is an internationally recognised week to raise awareness about the importance of good patient experience. Initially started by the Beryl Institute > in the US, the week is now celebrated in the UK too. UHDB is holding our own Patient Experience Week celebrations this week from 22 - 26 April, with further events planned for 29 April to 1 May to coincide with NHS England's Experience of Care Week.
We will be sharing positive experiences of care, promote some of the amazing work staff do to make the patients' experience the best it can be, and provide a platform for suggestions from both staff and the public about how we could continue to improve their experience. This year, the Trust is also publishing our first ever Patient Experience, Engagement & Insight Strategy, developed with input from patients, partners and our staff.
- Download Patient Experience, Engagement and Insight Strategy: 2024 - 2029 [pdf] 1MB
- Patient Experience, Engagement and Insight Strategy: 2024 - 2029 (accessible version)[docx] 48KB
Attend our upcoming Advice and Support Service open days.
- Tuesday 23 April, 11am-1pm in PALS reception area, opposite Costa by main entrance, RDH
- Thursday 25 April, 12:30pm-2:30pm in the PALS meeting room on the Porters Lodge corridor (past WHSmith) at QHB.
Patient Experience Champion of the Year 2024
Patient Experience Champion of the Year is nominated by UHDB colleagues for making significant contributions to delivering improved patient experiences in their area of work. We are pleased to announce this year's winners and our runner-ups.
Winner: Toni Stanley, Renal Dialysis Unit, Royal Derby Hospital
Toni takes patients on holiday to Wales, where they can continue having dialysis in one of their very own 'dialysis caravans', to get a change of scenery whilst continuing their treatment. Toni is also constantly looking for ways to improve the unit and does games and quizzes with the patients, who are with us for life. On top of winning this, and the Go For It! Fund to install art in one of the rooms, Toni is also exploring getting patients their own special restricted fluids cups which will have the appearance of an ordinary travel mug but a smaller inside to make them feel like they're having "a proper cuppa" whilst keeping their intake where it should be.
Runner Up: Gulnaz Farzan, Emergency Department, Queen's Hospital Burton
Naz, as she's known, is an exceptional leader and strongly promotes the importance of the patient voice and being responsive to it. Every week, she pulls off patient feedback from our surveys system, displays compliments for staff prominently for a morale boost, and includes any negative feedback in team briefings and huddles to continuous improve the service based on live feedback. One example of an improvement was to have staff give additional information at various points of their journey to ease anxiety about the waiting times. Specifically, if the patient is having bloods taken, the HCA or nurse doing this explains what the current wait time is for blood results to come back so they are assured when to expect the next update, rather than being left worrying what's happening. Naz displays a clear continuous improvement approach that is based solely on patient feedback.
Coming soon this week
- Introduction to our new Hospital Funerals Coordinator.
- Announcement of the winners of Go For It! Fund, sponsored by Derby & Burton Hospitals Charity